What We Believe

This page is to acquaint you with some of our most essential beliefs.

We believe that the Bible, consisting of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, is the only verbally inspired, inerrant and complete Word of God, as given in the original writings. Therefore it is our sole authority in all matters of faith and life to which it speaks. God’s Word is relevant, and has the answers for our lives, our homes, our churches, our nation and our world.

We believe in only one God, who is perfect, eternal, infinite and personal. We believe that God has chosen to reveal Himself to us through three distinct co-equal persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each possessing the same divine nature and attributes.  We believe that God created the universe by divine command, and not through an evolutionary process.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, who was virgin-born, becoming fully man without ceasing to be fully God.  He lived a sinless life, and voluntarily  died on the cross for our sins. He was buried and arose physically from the dead.  He ascended into heaven and now as high priest He is our only mediator and advocate. He will return to earth as Lord and King.

We believe that the Holy Spirit is the eternal Spirit of God, a person and not merely a power. He convicts us of our sin, persuades us to come to repentance and faith in Christ, places us in the body of Christ, indwells and seals us, and teaches and guides us in truth. He distributes spiritual gifts to believers enabling us to serve. Sign gifts have served their purpose and have ceased.

We believe that Satan is real and was created an angelic being. He became the author of sin and our adversary. He is very deceptive and believers need discernment and God’s enabling and to stand against him. He is inferior to God, and will suffer eternal punishment.

We believe man was created in the image and likeness of God but chose to sin, bringing both physical and spiritual death upon himself and his descendants. People are sinners by nature and by choice and are separated from God, deserving His punishment, and are unable to save themselves.  

We believe that salvation is by God’s grace exclusively through Christ, who died as our substitute on the cross, shedding His blood in payment for the sins of the world. The free gift of salvation must be received through repentance and faith in Christ alone, not by works. Genuine believers are eternally secure in Christ, but should never be careless with sin.  We should live upright and godly lives as lights in this world.

We believe that Christ is the head of the church, which is his body, and that all born again believers are part of it. Further we believe that all Christians should be active in a local church, being committed to doctrine, fellowship, godly living, prayer, stewardship, service and worship. Every believer should be baptized by immersion and participate in the Lord’s Supper. The local church’s primary mission is to proclaim the gospel locally and globally, and edify and equip believers for service. 

We believe in the second coming of Christ, His millennial kingdom, and the new heaven and the new earth. We believe in the resurrection of the saved to eternal life with Christ, and the resurrection of the lost to God’s judgment and eternal punishment in the lake of fire. That's why we're so thankful for John 3:16 and God's gift of salvation and forgiveness.